Twitter Experience

UX/UI Concept Design.


I wanted to create a deeper engagement and visual experience between people and Twitter content by bringing conversations and data to life in new and more exciting ways. The concept/story is focusing on two major media distributors, music artists & magazines, and how users can connect with them within a rich experience taking them through a discovery process throughout the concept. The templates were designed to enable users and companies to inject more interactive components to their feeds, such as turning tweets into graphics and galleries with live tweet feeds etc.


To design a new visual experience that allows a Twitter user to explore a specific artist and their activity in a new and innovative format.


To connect users with artists through a more visual and innovative approach to content while also encouraging engagement.

Project Includes

Concept Design
Final Design
Video Prototype
Design Direction



Tweets as infographics

Breaking out of the traditional table format, I focused on designing visual representations of the artist’s information, data, or polls intended to present information quickly and clearly. A number of key screens were designed to deliver content with this new approach, the final result was a rich visual representation of information within fully animated infographics fed by actual real tweets.

A live tweet media experience

The media component is by far the most tweeted and engaged section of each artist because of its visual appeal covering both photography and video. I designed a component that allows for live tweets to be seen in real time in a fully connected experience surrounding each post and its media. The result is a truly immersive digital experience that adds a new level of interactivity to Twitter and how we connect and visualize its content and media.

Discovering new content

The experience tells the story of the classic “rabbit hole effect” of stumbling upon new content that leads to new and more exciting ways to explore information and any other data. The template covers a number media outlets displaying relevant information for each brand and its purpose. It’s a fully flexible approach where new and innovative modules and components can be added on to enhance the experience of that brand and the way it needs to communicate with its audience.